
"The flow of energy through a system acts to organize that system."
—Harold J. Morowitz

"Maybe a group of people can meet in different places on the Internet, just like they can meet in different places in a city."
—James Bank

"A path is formed by walking."
— Unknown

"In the morning her arms were sore, like she had been trying to fly."
— J. R. Carpenter

"I never had a dream in my life, because a dream is what you want to do but still haven't pursued. I knew what I wanted and did it til it was done, so I've been the dream that I wanted to be since day one."
— Aesop Rock

"The thing about rules is that they often work best when broken."
— Sean Adams

"A little heap of dust, A little streak of rust, A stone without a name—Lo! hero, sword and fame."
Ambrose Bierce