Iuppiter tamen haec omnia vīdit, et fīlium suum servāre cōnstituit. Tranquillum igitur fēcit mare, et arcam ad īnsulam Serīphum perdūxit. Huius īnsulae Polydectēs tum rēx erat. Postquam arca ad lītus appulsa est, Danaē in harēnā quiētem capiēbat. Post breve tempus ā piscātōre quōdam reperta est, et ad domum rēgis Polydectis adducta est. Ille mātrem et puerum benignē excēpit, et eīs sēdem tūtam in fīnibus suīs dedit. Danaë hoc dōnum libenter accēpit, et prō tantō beneficiō rēgī grātiās ēgit.
However Jupiter sees all this, and decides to save his son. The sea at once becomes calm, and the box is led to the island Seriphos. Polydectes is the rules of this island. After the box arrives on the shroe, Danae takes a moment to rest on the sand. After a brief time a certain fisherman finds them, and leads them to the kind Polydectes. He welcomes the mother and boy, and gave her a safe home on the boundary. Danae gladly accepts the home, and thanks the king greatly for his kindness.