Evolution-Completion Idea

Each of the following sequecnes is an evolution. Complete each sequence according to the rule of change by which each example becomes the next.

1. Transportation

  1. Walk
  2. Ride
  3. Fly
  4. _______________________

2. Economics

  1. Hunt/Gather
  2. Pasturage/Farm
  3. Industry/Commerce/Services
  4. _______________________

3. Abstraction

  1. Words/Numbers
  2. Calendars/Maps
  3. Periodic Table/Unified Field Theory
  4. _______________________

4. Information Media

  1. Stone Tablet/Carved Bone
  2. Ink/Paper/Paint/Canvas
  3. Global TV/Telephone/Network
  4. _______________________

5. Self-Orientation in Universe

  1. Egocentric
  2. Lococentric
  3. Geocentric
  4. Heliocentric
  5. _______________________

6. Social Organization

  1. Indivual
  2. Family/Tribe
  3. City/Nation
  4. Empire/United Nations
  5. _______________________

7. Self-Reproduction

  1. Asexual Replication of Whole (single cell)
  2. Whole From Part Regeneration (annelids)
  3. Single Organ Regeneration (crustacean)
  4. Muscle Nerve Regeneration (mammals, man)
  5. _______________________

8. Matter Complexity in Universe

  1. Astronomical
  2. Geological
  3. Chemical
  4. Biological
  5. _______________________

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